Sunday 14 April 2013

Dear Hettie,
Last week, it was Alix's birthday, so on Friday I went out after work to meet him and his pals. The bar was pretty amazing. I walked through the main bar (which was pretty standard) and was shown downstairs to this outdoor, mexican-themed crazy town. The music they played was great; fleetwood mac, earth wind and fire etc. All my brothers friends are 30-40 ish, so conversations were a little strained at times. A lot of the time, it was very "my kid did this," "no way! my kid did this." SNORE! But then there were some funny conversations, and when they weren't talking about their kids, it was actually very fun. They are all very nice people. Alix did an insane amount of tequila shots, it made me feel a little sick. Anyway, this is what it looked like:

One of his friends is ginger, so we had a bit of a ginger off. I left pretty early though cos I wasn't feeling great. I think it was because when someone asked me what I wanted to drink, I asked for a glass of white wine. I don't know who I am anymore. WHO AM I?!?

Saturday, we went for a 6k walk along the beach. I was meant to go to a onesie party, but I still felt a little ill, so just sat at home and read my book. Plus, I didn't want to be too hungover for meeting my cousin and his kids on saturday. Seeing as walking seems to be the only exercise I have these days, I guess this is technically my gym, not bad ay?

My cousin then suggested we rearrange, which was annoying. Alix and I decided to go to the beach instead. I spent four hours in the sun (the longest stretch I've done with no shade) and I didn't get burnt!! Are you impressed?? My face has had another freckle explosion, my chin in particular is extra freckly, but there is no burn in sight!! Went for a bit of a snorkel too, but there were fuck loads of jellyfish.

Went food shopping and came home to have a bbq. Was a banging sunday session. One week left of work. Eek!

How's London? I hear the sun has finally come out!?

Miss you, love you.