Monday 1 April 2013

Dear Hettie,
Firstly, ouch. I am so effing sunburnt ONCE AGAIN! The four day weekend killed me.
After hanging out my arse all day (and night) on Friday, my brother took me to a quiet beach called Camp Cove. The water was amazing. It wasn't too choppy and was great to swim in! There were no shark nets though, so I kept a look out for fins. I fell asleep when I got out the water and this happened:

The pain is unreal. Yesterday, I had to wear a t-shirt in the sea so the sun didn't get me. How Ginger is that?!? I was mortified. Anyway, I'm jumping ahead. Camp Cove looked like this:

So, after a day of getting sunburnt, we went back to the flat and had a BBQ.

On Sunday, I went with my new pals to do the Coastal Walk. We walked from Bondi, through Tamarama, through Bronte Beach, past Clovelly and on to Coogee! I got quite excited at the start of the day because I looked outside and it was cloudy! I was so looking forward to a nice cold walk. I put on leggings and a 3/4 sleeve long floaty top and was pumped. I stood on the balcony to check the temperature and felt a tad warm. I put a t-shirt on instead, knowing I was going to be walking for the next 3 hours and it would be better than being hot. As soon as I stepped out the house, the sun came blaring out full blast. The weather man had said it was going to rain! He clearly lied. On the plus side, we didn't have to walk in the rain, but it was fucking boiling.

After the walk, we went back to my new pal's house and drank Kopperbergs and played Rummy. I'm not very good at Rummy. Her boyf won everytime! It was not good. I need to buy a packet of cards and go back there and challenge them again and win. That's the plan.

Yesterday, my brother and I went to this place called Ku-ring-gai National Park. It was absolutely amazing. It looked exactly like the wilderness in Jurassic Park (pretty sure you havent seen that it.) We were driving through what looked like a forest when I saw two road signs that got me all excited. The first was for Koala Bears and the second was for Kangaroos crossing. I thought to myself, this is it! I'm finally going to see a kangaroo. I did, in fact, see two kangaroos; both dead at the side of the road having been hit by cars. Traumatising. Alix found it hilarious that the first two kangaroos I'd seen were dead, I did not.
Anyway, we parked the car and Alix said we were going to a beachy part. We walked down roughly...a million stairs? It was fine on the way down, but all I could think was "we're going to have to walk up these at some point..."
When we got to the beach, it was totally worth the spider-filled trek. This is what it looked like:

One of the rocks looked like the rock from the Little Mermaid, and Charlotte used to be obsessed with re-enacting the scene where the waves fly up around her. We tried to do it, but after waiting for ages for a bloody wave to come, my facial expression came to this:

After having a jolly good swim, and a picnic, it was time to make our way back up to the car. Now, by this point, I was sandy and wet and tired. I got halfway up the first flight of stairs and then realised I wasn't going to make it. My legs wouldn't move to the next step. Alix was way ahead of me, and I burst out laughing. I couldn't walk!! I laughed for about 5 minutes before Alix yelled at me to hurry up, so in order to break up the trek, I said I was going to take photos along the way to show you. 

Ok, the photos don't make it look that bad. But it was. And I was carrying all  my wet clothes, and the heat and lack of water got to me. It was pretty fun though. And I saw a giant lizard before I got in the car!

On the drive home, after I got feeling back in my legs, we decided to stop off in the city at the botanical gardens. It was pretty!

When I got home, I was well and truly ready for bed. What an exciting four day weekend I had! Now I have four more days of employment. Terrifying!!! I need a job so badly! I don't want to come home yet...

I hope your weekend was just as fun!
Love and miss you,