Friday 29 March 2013


Sorry, the last post froze up. Too much info, clearly! 

So yeh, I also talked to a guy who pretended to be Australian because I said I refused to talk to English boys. But my Australian pal totally verified that he was phoney. Then I spoke to an actual Australian (I id'ed him...) and he taught me that steely dan were named after a dildo, and hp sauce stands for Houses of Parliament!! Mind=blown. 

I was talking to my friends brother, and said "I'm sorry, I need to change my shoes, my feet are killing me." I was wearing the mega high wedges my mum bought me for Christmas. He laughed and said "are you kidding?! You're wearing high heels...what are you? A midget?!" Rude.

Got in at 330, and was hanging all day!! It was sofa Friday, and it was banging. Tomorrow I'm going to the beach for a lunch, so that should be fun. 

Speak soon, love and miss you!