Wednesday 13 March 2013

Dear Hettie,
My sunburn is starting to fade. My face is more freckled than burnt. My bum is still pretty pink though. I have three mosquito bites on my leg and all I can think is...if mosquitos got in, then what else could get in!!! Might have to close my window tonight.

Work today was better. I had to send rejection emails to the people who didn't get the job...You'd be surprised at how many people can't spell or punctuate. Even on cover letters!!

I'm getting used to the journey too. Although, the ticket system is hilarious. So, you know what I sent yesterday...this is their take on the weekly bus pass. It's the same as the return...but the driver ticks it off every time you go on the bus:

I've also worked out a system. When the topless surfer dude walks past (on my way to and from work) I just look the other way and say 'don't look, don't look, don't look' over and over and then i don't come in the street. So that's good! 

I applied for a tax file number today, and opening a bank account on saturday...then off to Manly! Need to apply for bare jobs this weekend. I need a full time one STAT!

Ok, here are two more photos.  The sign in the toilet I told you about yesterday, and a restaurant on bondi road that has a funny name. 

Love you, miss you.
