Friday 22 March 2013

Dear Hettie,

There have been some positives and lolitives (I'm not being negative anymore...) the last two days. Here are some I feel I need to share with you:

1.) Positive- work have said that they want me to work an extra week...maybe even more! I know this is good, because it's work and I have no money...but it's so far away!!! And in bogan central!!! But being positive, if they can keep me on, at least I won't be desperate for money. I am getting $23 an hour, so I'm pretty happy.

2.) negative (screw lolitive)- I had an argument with an old lady today...she said the books I had emptied from the cupboard were in the way of her car and it was the second time she got ratty with me so I said "look, love, I don't know what your beef is. I'm only doing what I've been told to." She tutted...and then came back with "if you drove a car you'd understand." And she went to walk off, but I said "if I drove a car I'd understand how to open a door and not hit a wall?! What are you talking about??" We went back and forth for a while and then stormed off to complain to someone else. Silly bint.

3.) positive- I'm going to this place tomorrow night with Luke 
They have jugs of cocktails! And it's basically on the beach. 
It will be nice to see a southender too! I miss the accent. 

4.) negative- I left work half an hour early today and I was too early for shirtless man :-(

5.) positive- at least I didn't nearly get run over again because of his body.

6.) negative- you know how I said everyone in bondi is too attractive for me...well in the city yesterday I found out who I could get. First thing in the morning, I went to the 7/11 to get my bus ticket and asked for a return. The fat, sweaty Indian guy behind the counter said "I'm only selling you this return in the hope you return to me..." No. Just no. Then later, as I waited in the city for Alix to pick me up and take me to my aunts, the traffic stopped and a fat, old guy stopped infront of where I was sat. He nodded and winked at me. I burst out laughing. Really, het?! Is this the best I can do?!

7.) positive- it was 33 degrees today, and should be all weekend. Hello beach!!

In other news, I met my very Australian uncle last night. He's lovely. Also, you know my aunt never tells her age? Yesterday she lied and said my dad was 48.... That means he was 15 when he had my brother...yeh nice one.

And lastly, there are pidgeons here with pink faces.

Love you, miss you,
